CABINETS SHPP-COMPACT FOR HYDROPOWER The ELTECH SHPP-COMPACT cabinets allow you to enclose in a single solution: electromechanical power components auxiliary services AC and DC Automation for the [...]
Connected new accumulation photovoltaic plants with lithium batteries
CONNECTED NEW ACCUMULATION PHOTOVOLTAIC PLANTS WITH LITHIUM BATTERIES This week we have connected seven new plants of photovoltaic electric energy storage with lithium batteries LiFePO4 on existing photovoltaic systems. [...]
Maxi acquisition of Swisspower
MAXI ACQUISITION OF SWISSPOWER RENEWABLES We congratulate our client Swisspower renewables for concluding one of the most important business transactions in the field of RES. Click here [...]
Adjustments at the Pietraporzio hydroelectric plant (CN) – Swisspower
ADJUSTMENTS HYDROELECTRIC PLANT SWISSPOWER OF PIETRAPORZIO (CN) Have recently concluded the adaptation work done by Eltech team at the central of Pietraporzio (CN), the Swisspower properties. The work [...]
New accumulators systems for PV
NEW ACCUMULATOR SYSTEMS FOR PV Engineers from Eltech and Greenpowertech are working together to test charging systems (accumulators) for new generation batteries, empowering the customer to better use the exceeded [...]
Eltech @ KEY ENERGY Expo Rimini 2016
ELTECH @ KEY ENERGY Expo Rimini 2016 From 8th to 11th November you can visit us @ Key Energy 2016 at Expo Rimini [...]
New hydropower micro-turbine
NEW HYDROPOWER MICRO-TURBINE Eltech has recently developed a new hydropower micro-turbine, perfect to take advantage of WCF. It is an auto-adjusting Kaplan turbine, particularly adapt for small gaps. Thanks [...]